Monday, 31 March 2014
Friday, 28 March 2014
Iraqi CP Statement on the 80th Anniversary of its Foundation
Statement of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party
on the 80th Anniversary of its Foundation
The political and
social developments in Iraq, since the early decades of the twentieth century,
along with the working class maturing and transforming from a class in itself
to a class for itself, in addition to the positive impact of the October
Socialist Revolution, and the spread of progressive ideas in large areas of the
world, provided the conditions for the emergence of the Iraqi Communist Party. Thus
the dream of the workers and peasants, and all Iraqi toilers, was fulfilled; that
they have their own party that expresses their radical aspirations and goals,
and that would lead their struggles to achieve a Free Homeland and a
Prosperous People.

The announcement
of the foundation of the party, and its immediate involvement in the struggle in
defense of the interests of the poor and disadvantaged, had echoes and
repercussions that resembled a quake in a stagnant political life that had been
the monopoly of some traditional parties in Iraq. The reactionary monarchic
regime at the time therefore dealt with the newborn party with utmost ruthlessness.
This became a consistent policy of all the successive rightist and dictatorial
regimes that ruled Iraq, especially in the periods of Baath Party rule in 1963
and after 1968, because they were well aware that the Communist party constituted
a real threat to their class and political interests.
Since its early
days the Iraqi Communist Party’s main preoccupation was to achieve full
independence and national sovereignty, distribute land to the peasants, ensure workers'
rights and their trade unionist freedoms, secure democratic freedoms for the popular
masses and their patriotic parties, and to support the Arab peoples, especially
the Palestinian people, and all the peoples of the world in their struggle for
liberation and democracy and for getting rid of imperialist domination. At the
same time, the party fought consistently against the chauvinist and
discriminatory policies of successive dictatorial regimes, and for the right of
the Kurdish people and other nationalities to enjoy their legitimate rights within
a unified federal democratic Iraq.
The party took a
distinct position towards women and their rights, and stressed the need for women’s
equality with men. It also paid great attention to culture and intellectuals,
and strived to provide a favorable atmosphere to enable them to reveal their
potential and to take care of their creative works, in conjunction and harmony
with the party’s struggle to liberate the poor and low-income people from the
clutches of the backward social reality and exploitative relations of
production. For this purpose, the party always sought to establish the broadest
social and democratic mass movement, leading political and economic struggles, and
providing effective leadership to popular uprisings which broke out against
tyranny and oppression, and against the suppression of the people's right to
express their opinion and enjoy freedom along with other free peoples of the
The party also adopted a memorable stance towards religion and religious
people, embodied in full respect to both. It called for tolerance and peaceful
coexistence among religions and sects, ensuring their rights to worship and practicing
religious rituals in safety and freedom. It opposed involving them in political
conflicts because this would constitute an abuse to religion itself, especially
if it is accompanied by sectarian intolerance which would eventually lead to
grave conflicts that may be difficult to control. This is, regrettably, what we
are witnessing in the very dangerous current situation.
Dear Comrades and friends,
This year we are
celebrating the 80th anniversary of our party while our dear country
Iraq is going through a comprehensive crisis that has become more complicated recently
as a result of the rulers’ insistence on adopting sectarian and ethnic
power-sharing in all aspects of the political process and in society as a whole.
This has been associated with the approaching parliamentary elections and the
feeling by some that their chances of remaining in power have become limited as
a result of their policies and performance.
Putting ahead
narrow selfish interests, whether personal, sectarian or regional, disregarding
the interests of the people and the homeland, accompanied by conflicts and exchanging
malicious political accusations, pursuing policies of exclusion and
marginalization against opponents, striving to concentrate power in the hands
of one group, the continued attacks on democratic freedoms, silencing critics
and violating the Constitution, as well as maintaining the laws of the former
dictator Saddam as arbiter in a lot of things .. all of this has led, as we see
today, to the horrific deterioration in security and on political, economic, social
and cultural levels.
The continuation
of this extremely disturbing situation, and continuing to pursue the current
policy in dealing with problems and crises, and in the management of the
affairs of the state and its various institutions, would lead to what is far
more dangerous unless a qualitative shift takes place in the political thinking
of the country’s rulers. This requires a total rejection the sectarian-ethnic
power-sharing system, then sitting down to dialogue, expressing willingness to
make reciprocal concessions, respect for the opinions of others, and the
involvement of others in political decision-making, relinquishing unilateralism
and tendencies of vanity and exaggeration of personal capacity. Our party has
put forward its analysis of the current situation, and its concrete perceptions
and proposals for meeting its challenges, and its risks to the security of the
country, the unity of its national fabric national and the process of
democratic transformation, in a memorandum that was addressed in late February 2014
to the three presidential bodies, the political blocs, and the leaders of
political parties, holding them accountable and warning that history will not
have mercy on those who contribute to the impoverishment of the people and the
destruction of the country.
On this occasion,
we renew our high confidence in the masses of our people and their ability to
choose their true and genuine representatives in the forthcoming parliamentary
elections. Those who had given false and misleading promises have been exposed.
They have achieved nothing of significance for the people, not even for their own
electorate, rather they did just the opposite, as they have filled their
pockets with money, have embedded the ugliest forms of sectarianism, and have led
Iraq into a tunnel where no light can be seen at its end.
Finally, we
stress that the electoral list of the Civil Democratic Coalition is the
lifeline for all Iraqis because it includes in its ranks all those who are
fighting to save Iraq from the diseases of sectarianism and authoritarianism,
from financial and administrative corruption, and from bribery and banditry,
and to realize the aspiration of the people of eradicating terrorism and
terrorists, and living in security, peace and social justice.
Long live the Iraqi Communist Party!
Victory to our people and their democratic forces in
building a democratic civil and prosperous Iraq!
Glory to the martyrs of the party and the people!
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